When you have the only running formula one car in the neighbor hood and Bobby Epstein needs a car, who does he call? Paul Rego enjoying the perks of having a Lotus 79 and the Pirelli girls are just a small or should I say tall perk

The holidays are easily Paul Rego's favorite time of year. He gets to throw his Christmas Party along with the Bob Dance Blues Festival and the children of Dallas are the big winners. Toys are collected for the Dallas Police Department to distribute to the children, who other wise might be having a joyless Christmas. Donations are also gathered for the Jim Clark Museum and the Vintage Racers for Rescues.

Another big perk of having the Lotus 79 is it's always in demand. Here Paul Rego is entertaining Mario Andretti with stories of how great the Lotus 79/1 and Regogo Racing are. As you can see Mario Andretti is riveted to the great stories
Paul Rego, Owner of Regogo Racing and Sports Car World
Living the Dream
The Lotus love affair started with a Lotus Europa that Paul purchased from Frank Bertrang of Sports Car World. Paul began to spend time at Sports Car World and eventually began to work for Frank in the service department, when Frank decided to separate the sales and parts from the service side of the business, which he offered to Paul. Having jumped at that opportunity, Paul has stayed active in the Lotus community ever since. In 2008, Frank Bertrang passed away and Paul purchased Sports Car World from his widow Becky, as he felt it was his responsibility to bring everything back together. With the purchase of a few buildings in the heart of Dallas, Paul and his longtime friends Richard South and Chris Pohl put a plan in place to get Sport Car World back on top. In 2010, Paul and a group of friends were at the races at the Barber Motorsports Complex, where Paul decided "Let's go racing". On a trip to a Lotus Festival, while sitting down with Richard South, Chris Pohl, and Peter Hoag at Dunston Hall, our friend Richard Parramint watched the forming of Regogo Racing. While at that very moment 4000 miles away, Doc Bundy was winning the first race for the newly formed Regogo Racing.

Paul Rego and Ron Maydon in some deep talks after Regogo Racing won the Masters Historic Grand Prix event at Road America.
Paul Rego is being driven around the Circuit of the Americas, by Nathan Thompson. This was Pauls first time out on this track and he was amazed as to how smooth it is. This brief visit to the track, has only made him even more excited about our upcoming races.